The tranquil sound of running water is universally relaxing, elevating any landscape design to another level.
Be Closer to Nature
Landscape Medics’ spa-like water features are well-built and exceptionally easy to maintain. You’ll find more time to relax and enjoy your soothing private oasis. Our water design features create a lush living environment that brings you closer to nature. Songbirds attracted to your water features enhance the feeling of harmony and peace.
Relax with Water Features
• Water features are proven to reduce anxiety
and heighten class to any property. Moving water is one of the most relaxing
enhancements you can add to your property.
• Illuminate your waterfall with an overhead,
moonlight-style light fixture, for a magical effect. Combine an adjacent fire
feature or outdoor pergola structure for a dramatic effect.
• Businesses with water features are
certain to impress clients and help employees, while maintenance is generally
minimal or easily contracted out.
Put Your Trust in Landscape Medics
Constructing and planning the perfect water features for a property is one of the more complex aspects of landscape design. We are well-versed and experienced in the art. Every member of our crew is a certified technician. Owner-operator Tony Kiiskila is a nationally dual certified, award-winning landscape contractor. Additionally, Tony is a Wisconsin Master Gardener and Arbor Day Society member who knows how to integrate water falls, fountains, and other water features into the natural environment of a property.
Create a Spa-like Environment
For the professional installation of spa-like water features in Green Bay, call or text Tony at 920-434-8290.